Mixed Membership Stochastic Blockmodels E. Airoldi, D. Blei, S. Fienberg, E. Xing Relational data Poster W53 Idea: Structural equivalence Given: Adjacency matrix YNxN Infer: Blockmodel, B, and mixed mapping from nodes to blocks, Tasks: Predict and/or de-noise Y De-noised relations 0.9 Blockmodel Mixed Mapping Waverers 12 7 5 6 Outcasts Young Turks 0.4 Loyal Opposition Outcasts 0.3 Loyal Opposition 13 15 Young Turks 17 9 3 14 4 18 2 0.9 0.5 8 1 16 11 10 1 Ambrose 2 Boniface 3 Mark 4 Winfrid 5 Elias 6 Basil 7 Simplicius 8 Berthold 9 John Bosco 10 Victor 11 Bonaventure 12 Amand 13 Louis 14 Albert 15Ramuald 16 Peter 17 Gregory 18 Hugh