Clusters and Par77ons in LP Relaxa7ons David Sontag, Amir Globerson, and Tommi Jaakkola (MIT, Hebrew University) MAP problem: max x i ij (xi , xj ) j E ij(xi, xj) xj jk(xj, xk) T55 xk x i · Generalized BP uses larger clusters to improve approxima7on of MAP · Problem: Algorithms scale exponen7ally with cluster size! · Our solu-on 1 Par77on variables' values: xi Edge marginal x xk k 1 2 3 4 zi zz k k 1 2 z zk x xi i k 2 Use clusters on coarsened variables z zi i zi z i zj zj 3 Enforce consistency on par$$oned state space · We obtain a messagepassing algorithm that finds the exact MAP on protein design problems at reduced computa7onal cost