Poster W10: Expectation Maximization and Posterior Constraints Intractable Constraints in Tractable Models Jo~o V. Gra¸a , Kuzman Ganchev and Ben Taskar a c L2 F INESC-ID Department of Computer Science, University of Pennsylvania Normal EM 1 posterior -Step arg min KL(q (z | x) || pt (z | x)) 0 constraint set Q posterior q (z|x) objective OE jective bl z L() = EX og p (x, z) -log likelihood E-step bound parameters 1 Constrained EM Ob jective L()- EX [KL(Q(x)||p (z | x)] objective -log likelihood + KL(Q || Posterior) -log likelihood Constrained E-step bound parameters posterior E-Step arg min KL(q (z | x) || pt (z | x)) q (z|x)Q(x) 0 constraint set Q posterior Drastic precision/recall improvements in word alignment: EnglishFrench / EnglishSpanish